Friday 6 June 2008

Complaint #5 - Tagging Games.

I'd like to complain about these tag games or MEME. One, still no one has answered my question of what MEME means [The term comes from semiotics, an obscure branch of English studies, and basically refers to any idea which is communicated in a viral fashion -Mildred]. Then, some of them are just for increasing hits to their site like this one. They are an annoying interruption of my day and my flow. And then, I can't ignore it like some can. I feel like I have to move it forward, so then I worry about intruding upon others and I don't want to keep using the same people. However, 4 persons was better than 5. Also, this does give me a chance to vent.

I don't dislike all of them. The ones that have some content like this one is sort of okay. But, I really like the ones where there are questions. I find that those are fun and sometimes you get to know a person better. I like getting to know others better. I think 2 or 3 to be tagged is best. It is manageable and not overwhelming. This one was overwhelming, partly because my week has been rough. Come to think of it, this one still bugs me.

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